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Ivan Nikolov




🔥 On a big personal mission - Mission 1K 🔥 I’m embarking on a huge personal mission - to gift 1,000 complimentary coaching sessions in 500 days - and finish by July 30, 2022 - my 48th birthday. Will you help me get the word out? 🙂 👉 The link to the application page is My tribe on Telegram: About me... I'm not the best in anything in the world. I'm just above average in a few things 😳 Some of the things I've learned to do well.. ✩ Deep listening ✩ Ethical persuasion and influence ✩ Hardened mindset unsetting and resetting ✩ Practical physical conditioning and body nourishment (inheritance from a past life) ✩ Pistol craft (also from a past life... well, a past identity at least) 😍  What I do: I connect people with their inner source of power 🔊  Big Message: You are infinitely more than you think I choose to believe that: 👉  You are not broken. You were told that you are - and you've believed it 👉  The past exists only in your head. Your past doesn't define you. Your present thoughts about the past define you 👉  "Fear" is just a collection of sensations in the body (thanks @jesseelder for opening my eyes to this) 👉  Confidence is the result of taking action. It's an effect, not a cause 👉  The best space to live life from is a peaceful ethical unapologetic power 👉  A free independent thinker and a self-authorized individual (level 6) is the biggest antidote to heard mentality & group thinking (level 4)  👉  Being unapologetically yourself is polarizing - and that's absolutely great - others get to remember that they have a choice 👉  The ability to handle discomfort is a learnable skill I'm here to add value to other people's lives and to create deep meaningful relationships, possibly partnerships with the potential to empower many. 🙂  Welcoming meaningful connections @selfauthorized on Telegram