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Michael Mataluni




Futurism, Show Hosting, Digital Marketing, Tech, Science, Singularity 🤖 The Singularity Lab host, producer (Cutting Edge Technology, Science, and Philosophy shaping humanity’s global future) 🎙 The Debrief Official Podcast host, producer @debriefmedia (Science, Tech, Space, UAPs, Futurism) Singularity Lab goes Live on YouTube Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 7pm EST The Official Debrief Podcast Live and Recorded Episodes on YouTube 🎯 Founder, YouPower Media (Marketing Funnel Strategic Development, Facebook/YouTube Ads, Live Webinar Expert) 🎤 I cohost a Debrief Clubhouse room with Chrissy Newton and you can join Wednesday’s from 8PM to 10PM EST. We chat with experts in Science, Tech, and UAP research community and give people a chance to ask questions, tell their stories and learn more. ‼️ Polymath obsessed and connecting the dots across Science, Tech, Medicine and Economics. Link Tree Follow Me: