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Vishal Thacker




🔥 Entrepreneur 👂 Storylistener 🎤 Speaker ✒️ Writer: Fiction & Non- Fiction 🌀 Mystic Poet 🎧 DJ ➰ Perennially in process! 📍 🇪🇸 Living: Barcelona, Spain 🇮🇳 From: Bangalore, India 👁 My vision: Utopia! A shared experience for all humanity rooted in Oneness with each other and with the planet. 🤭 Why envision anything less? 🚀 My missions: 🔗Meaningful connection: Help people better connected to themselves and each other. 🐺Resonant Leaders: Helping business executives, students and future leaders make more conscious decisions. 🏢Resonant Organisations: Helping purpose led founders bring their impact to the world through organisational strategy and culture rooted in their personal story. 🎓Education: Moulding business education to better contribute to the future of Capitalism and business. 🌐 Happy to talk with anyone, drop me a line. You can find me at: